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Cosmic Tribe Tarot



Learning to trust the universe as you would trust yourself means being open to new experiences. But beware, young thinker, the world is full of deceivers, manipulators, and charlatans only too happy to ensnare you and enslave the tool of your mind for their own nefarious ends.

In the card a powerful silent sword glows with the clarity of belief in ourselves. This sword is closely related to the Ace of Swords and its motto think for yourself. On the hilt, a cosmic eye has been turned on, showing the power of the mind to unveil many mysteries. Wings flank the eye like a mind on the move, ready for exploration and inquiry. The silent sword has a disarmingly innocent character representing either a young mind becoming aware of itself or a young idea in a mature mind seeking expression. In both cases the silent sword is powerful yet vulnerable to outside influence.

From the sides, and without foundation, six crooked swords of deceit seem to threaten the mind's progress. They look like the eternally wagging tongues of naysayers, manipulators, and those who envy our power. For some bitter reason these swords came out crooked and unsure of themselves. Instead of relying on their own truths, they parasitize others to keep themselves alive. The crooked swords represent other people in our lives, and institutions like the media, the law, and the church. But they are also aspects of ourselves - our doubt, our self-hatred, and our disempowered behavior. These negativities sabotage our innocence and make us vulnerable to charlatans and liars. The silent sword of our power must negotiate a path through this interference in order to keep exploring and discovering. While the crooked swords of deceit can never be entirely avoided, they can be effectively ignored.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Seven of Swords manipulate your reading, consider who owns your mind. Are there forces trying to deceive and manipulate you into thinking and doing things contrary to your best interests? Is someone stealing your ideas or diverting you from your ideals? Who gives you counsel and who do they work for? You needn't be paranoid. We depend on other people's advice to help shape our destiny. Consider whether you make it easy for others to deceive you by not believing in yourself. Trust the universe by first trusting yourself and learn from misplaced trust how to ask the right questions.