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Cosmic Tribe Tarot


Interpenetrating Worlds

And what they saw blew their circuits. Every little component of what previously had appeared clean and simple exploded into hypercomplexity. The whole foundation of their socially constructed reality turned out to be overly simplistic and enormously comical. Like a house of cards it could easily blow away. When they peeled themselves off the bottom of the clouds and returned to their bodies, they looked around as if for the first time. They wondered how they were going to explain to their friends what they had seen and what their vision seemed to imply about who we are and where we are going. In the card we see traces of their experience. The top half is a typical day where cool winds blow clouds gently across the sky: the kind of day that reality has lounged in for millennia. Below the surface of the normal day another reality makes an appearance. This is the complex reality that props up our ordinary perceptions. In the past faerie tales were used to describe these nether regions, and shamans and mystics have accessed these realms for thousands of years. Today, many of us are likely to reach for technological metaphors to describe the realities behind our reality. We can imagine everyday reality as a physical object called computer and the complex reality behind it as a motherboard of circuits wiring the connections that we cannot see but assume to be there. Like gods, motherboards were invented to explain and control the unseen and complex forces acting upon us.

Six interweaving swords emerge from the realities: three come from the clouds above and pierce the motherboard and three come from the motherboard below and stab the clouds. Ultimately, all realities connect. They are not, like some geometric abstractions, separate planes of existence. What happens in one affects the others.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Six of Swords materialize in your reading, think of your last truly weird experience. Perhaps you had déjà vu, or you saw walls melt, or a UFO landed on your tree house. Experiencing the complex reality behind your daily existence can affect you intensely. There is no reason to fear or mock these visions. The universe is vast and we're just beginning to understand it. Be gentle with yourself during and after these episodes. You have discovered that reality has many channels, even though many people act as if there is only one. Don't let their ignorance get you down. Change channels as you need to. But don't escape from the accepted channel for too long; it has information both interesting and necessary for your survival.