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Cosmic Tribe Tarot



The Queen of Swords rules the element air. She knows the clarity of blue skies and the confusion and strife of clouds and gale force winds. She blows effortlessly through all mind states and puts into language the rules and laws that govern our societies. She is the social contract that keeps us working together. She builds constitutions. She is the just law, justly applied. Humans have reached a preeminent position on the planet because we communicate complex information with each other. As we are the annual that we most need to fear, laws governing behavior are essential to our survival. Law is an antidote to war - but both rely on the sword for their implementation.

The Queen of Swords sits on a throne of clouds. Clouds represent the stormy confusion that keep us from clearly seeing reason's light. The Queen has learned to use the clouds to her advantage. Their confusion is essential to the process of understanding and is a stage we must learn to work through if we seek the truth. The cloud hemispheres above and below her. are our whole experience divided into two by the sword. This is the beginning of analytical thinking, which divides in order to understand. The Queen reorders the chaos of life into understandable concepts that she can then manipulate to solve problems. She subdues cloudy reasoning with her crystalline sword and overcomes confusion with the clarity of law. Her sword represents the mind's ability to think abstractly. The Queen uses it to focus attention on the challenges of a situation. Eventually her subjects take their heads out of the clouds and follow her lead. Although her sword can be used as a weapon of war, the Queen eschews violence. Instead she contemplates the sword as she gives it to us, asking if we will use it to build just and sustainable societies.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Queen of Swords command you in a reading, observe the lawgivers in your world. The Queen of Swords is that person in your life or aspect of yourself who is comfortable with control. Are the lawgivers in your family, your community, and your nation doing a good job? Do you follow their rules or do you prefer to make your own? How much control do you exert in your relationships? Are you just? Do you listen well? Do you share power? Do you follow your own rules? The lawgiver plays an essential role in society by planning for peace and striving for social justice. The most effective lawgivers teach and learn from those around them by example. When you make the rules remember to be compassionate and just. Learn to separate personal interests from communal interests. Lead with the sword of reason, not the weapon of fear.