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Cosmic Tribe Tarot



Here is the fresh perspective we have been waiting for. Blown in on the winds of change, the Prince of Swords battles cynicism with a new outlook on life and a mighty sword to cut through false hazes and self-delusions. He is a son and heir to world philosophy and truth. He aspires to manifest the ideals he holds in his mind and is convinced that they will make the world a better place. The Prince seeks nothing less than a revolutionary freedom for all beings. He knows this liberation because he has experienced it flying high above the clouds. He knows we can shape reality by understanding it and that together we can build a world more reflective of divine purpose. In the card, the Prince of Swords chases the higher truth of his ideals. His calling is to find the core of truth and bring it back to his people. His sword is raised high and cleaves into spirals the riddles that hold truth captive in clouds of confusion. He flies high on the wings of a kestrel buoyed in the air by princely aspirations to remake the world. He soars above the clouds to the realm of clarity where he receives the universal messages directly into his mind's eye, which he reflects as direct and assertive behavior. With his sword he has cut away the weights and lies of his culture that held him down. Behind him tradition beams with all of its collective power, history and heaviness. The Prince of Swords needs tradition as the painter needs paints. It is the language he speaks and the medium he works with. But he must also break free to explore his own meanings for the traditional culture. In the process he broadens possibilities for future generations.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Prince of Swords come to you in a reading, examine your ideals. The Prince of Swords is that person in your life or aspect of yourself that breaks with tradition in order to explore the realm of truth. What are your ideals? How much are you willing to sacrifice for them? Are you glued to tradition or can you muster the power for your own revolution? Will you cut through restrictions and rigid or fixed behaviors that keep you from exploring what truth means? Open your mind's eye to what the universe could express through you. Fight through the clouds of confusion and despair to clarity and purpose. Don't be self-righteous. Take the time to think for yourself and discover your own truth and respect the rights of others to do the same.