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Cosmic Tribe Tarot


Breakthrough Realization, True Complexity Revealed

Ripping, sizzling, WOW, I get it now. I see how it all fits together. I see the whole beautiful picture. With each question asked, a little more information has come my way - a little more has been revealed. And now, WOW - the spark of realization. Before I only saw the disconnected lines, not understanding what they meant. At this moment I experience the universe as a co-creator. I am alive. I am conscious. I understand.

In the card, six sticks rest on a background of many layers. On the bottom layer, the cosmic eye of insight beams the breakthrough realization. The eye is embedded in the web of life that interconnects everything in the universe. This powerful insight is available everywhere, all the time. It can be accessed at any level, but with each added layer it becomes more difficult to see through to the wider truth laying behind it. By the time the topmost layer is added, the cosmic eye has been reduced to a monotonous wallpaper more alienating than revealing. To reach the breakthrough realization, the successive layers of socially constructed and fear-based reality that mask our vision must be burned away. The six sticks resting atop our multilayered experience of the world gently fade as the successive layers burn. As the sticks transform from matter to evanescence, so too does our focus transform from the material world to the spiritual world.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Six Wands appear in your reading, explore your spiritual development. Are you investing yourself in the spiritual experience as much as the material experience? Are you paying attention to the questions your soul is asking? And how are you answering those questions? Don't shrug them off as unanswerable. Words alone may not express your quest adequately but that won't prevent you from feeling the fire. Let your explorations burn the layers of reality and reveal a spiritual awareness of your existence. The process is not necessarily easy or comfortable, but the insights you gain could transform your life.