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Cosmic Tribe Tarot



While labor done properly is its own reward, there is, at the end of a work cycle, a time to celebrate and give thanks for the successful outcome. Drink flows, the sacrament is shared, the music is struck, and dancing ensues. A banquet is held and toasts are drunk to those who made the event possible. This is the summer picnic, harvest feast, or year-end work part- where everyone gathers and enjoys each other's company. At such times, celebration is the only demand.

In the card four wands rooted in the soil reach for the fruits of labor. Above them a luscious bounty awaits their hungry hands. The wands sprout, a sign that new life is already awakening even as the old cycle comes to a close. Indeed, the work cycle of seeding, weeding, and harvesting is never ending. But we are not alone in our duties; a honey bee and a butterfly bounce about and contribute their wisdom by pollinating the flowers that will bring next year's fruit. Below them a turtle represents the plodding and patient determination of the earth to bring cycles to fruition and to reward the labor of all creatures. In the tree above sits a dove, reminding us that celebration is a time of peace.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Four of Wands touch your reading, contemplate the cyclical nature of you life. In what areas are you reaping the rewards of your labors? What have you learned that you can apply to the next cycle? Share this information with those around you. How are you celebrating this completion? Are you ready for something new or are there still loose ends to be resolved? Pause before moving on. If you love splash, throw a party and share the rewards of your labor with friends and family. If you are not given to extravagance, perform a special personal ritual marking your passage. Either way, give thanks.