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Cosmic Tribe Tarot


Stability Crossed with Dynamism

Eons ago an evolved being rubbed two sticks together and sparked the fire that changed cosmic history. From that moment, the power of fire could be manipulated to assist humanity in its struggle out of the darkness of unknowing and into the light of consciousness. Fire creation still involves bringing two objects together whose spark ignites fuel into flame. Metaphorically, we do this when we balance stability and dynamism within us to kindle creative power.

In the card two columns cross and tap a stable flow of energy pouring from the capstones. The columns are the structural supports provided by our bodies and our psyches. As they cross, a spark ignites fire which unfurls into a radiating mandala representing the dynamism of true compassion. The vortex of the mandala resembles our solar plexus, which is the entryway to our internal stability. When we successfully cross the columns, insight lights a path and clarity takes us to new places. The stable world of the columns and the dynamic world of the mandala are joined. But keeping the columns crossed is supremely difficult, they are like identical magnetic forces repelling each other. But when our bodies and psyches align and allow us to cross the columns, we unleash enormous power. And when used properly in the way of compassion, our powerful insight makes the world.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Two of Wands cross your reading, see what sparks your life. Can you feel the confident power burning in your center? This center is both stable and dynamic. It requires balance to be effective. How do you balance yourself to keep the furnace of your creativity burning without letting it explode out of control? Do you have rituals that center you and enable the lifeforce to flow unimpeded through you? When you balance stability with dynamism, use the resulting lifeforce to inspire and motivate those around you. Remember to come back to this center often to maintain your dynamic balance.