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Cosmic Tribe Tarot


Tiger Tamer

Fire-breathing fear stalks life's possibilities. frightening them into a corner. Growth, vitality, and inspiration are captive and nothing is moving. The universe sends the Princess of Wands to deal with the situation. She yawps against terror, charges; and rescues the possibilities. She outrides paranoia and once again the universe flows freely.

In the card the mighty Princess of Wands appears in a whorl of flames at the moment of her triumph. She stands confidently atop a snarling tiger. The Princess has realized that her fear of the tiger is mostly irrational. This fear can sap her own enormous creativity. But she is still learning the extent of her power, and cannot, therefore, kill the tiger. If she does, she kills her teacher. She must take the challenging path of learning from the tiger how to transmute the tremendous energy of fear into new growth. The Princess must consume the fire that would consume her, bring it into her body, and live it. She must learn to work with the fire without getting burned.

The Princess of Wands rescues a branch from the fire tiger and raises it above fear, where it brims with vitality and inspiration. Instead of disintegrating into ashes. the branch sprouts exuberantly into leaves and flowers, signifying that inspiration needs only freedom from fear to burst into realization.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Princess of Wands leap into your reading. learn to tame your fears. The Princess of Wands is that person in your life or aspect of your-self working confidently with fear. Awareness is the first step. Watch where tear finds you and start observing how you react to it. See how it constricts you and keeps you from engaging the moment. Maybe this is appropriate. If not,don't try to conquer it. Sit with fear awhile and ask it questions. Likely it will reveal itself as your own power needing to be exercised in another way. If. on the other hand, you think you have conquered fear once and for all, you might not he taking enough risks. Take a risk in love; ask for another raise: try something new. Risk action and stir up the fear. Where there's fear there's power. Where there's power there's freedom.