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Cosmic Tribe Tarot


Attainment, Goals, Success

Attaining a particular goal grounds us in the feeling of our own power. When we succeed we know that we have made an impact, however large or small, on the world and in the process we confirm our own existence. We have done, therefore we are. This is the security that comes from success; it makes us bigger than we thought we were. While there are many recipes for it, we are each responsible for defining our own purpose and our own strategy for achieving it. In the card, a golden key shimmers in the light of desire. It is grounded on the solid reality of a granite stone. We all have access to the key, all the time. Retrieving it, however, requires a careful, respectful approach. It is surrounded by the protective stems of the flowers that ring the key. If we see the stems as impediments and try to rip the key from the stone, we will kill the flowers with their keyhole centers. And if we kill the keyholes that lead to the fulfillment of our goals, we kill the purpose of retrieving the key in the first place. In other words, we fail. When we approach our goals with respect for ourselves and the process, however, we can retrieve the key. Indeed, the stems may even loosen their grip and help us on our way. When we have the key, we have the power to open up the keyhole flowers and choose from the infinity of desires we wish to fulfill. It doesn't matter which flower we key. It doesn't matter which goal we seek. The process is the same for all. The flower keyholes are connected into a ring by a stem, and each goal leads to the same feeling of fulfillment, no matter how big or how small.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Six Disks appear in your reading, think about the relationship between your goals and your style of implementing them. What are your goals, big and small? How do your choices affect the outcome of your goals? What are your methods for achieving goals? You will likely use the same process of decision-making and implementation in such small goals as making dinner as you do in large goals such as making a living. Observe this process in the laboratory of the smaller goals. Experiment with how you make decisions and how you implement them. Eventually you will find the style that works best for you. Now you can begin applying this process to your larger goals and enhance your probability of attaining them. Don't forget; life is more than a series of goals. Defining success in the broadest possible terms helps you become a winner.