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Cosmic Tribe Tarot



The Knight of Disks has masterfully trained his body to serve the practical wellbeing of the world organism. He has acquired much wisdom about the earth and teaches others about the value of the planet and its flora and fauna. Using his skills and wisdom, the Knight defends and heals the body of the planet. He leads by modeling the arts of stewardship to self and planet. He provides security for individuals, by promoting health not just for the individual but for the entire world organism. This Knight senses the subtle energy flowing from the planet, and judges a being's health by reading the vibration the being makes within that subtle energy system. Rhythms and harmonies carry all the information he needs to maintain balanced health. In the card, the Knight of Disks stands guard on his sacred stone altar. The stone altar contains the secrets of the evolving lifeforces released to the planet. Beyond the door, magic is made by elfin work parties and at faerie rituals. A bloom pops through the doorwindow - a tiny but no less precious aspect of the immense powers hidden within. During seasonal celebrations the door opens and sprites disperse to the forests and meadows. They paint everything with vibrant colors and festoon the earth with flowers. In their comradeship, the Knight is a kind of flower sprouting from the stone. But he is more. The radiance around his head shows that he works with the same magic as the stonesource. But his enlightened will is a tool for the same magic. The eyes on the stone extend from the Knight's own watchful gaze and are arranged as a pentagram - the symbol of protection and the mysterious self-healing powers of the earth. With his senses carefully attuned, the Knight of Disks combines the ancient wisdom with new discoveries to help correct some of the imbalances in the world around him.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Knight of Disks comes to you in a reading, think about the health of your body and the environment which supports you. The Knight of Disks is that person in your life or aspect of yourself that instinctively knows how to make things better. Start with your own body. First, accept all of its processes, even the ones you don't like. Then listen to the subtleties your body expresses. Experiment with different healing regimes and see the extent of your own healing powers. Once you have learned something about how your own body works, look around and see what you can learn about the bodies around you. From your friends to your cat to the watershed where you live, you can effect healing. Remember also to honor the rock of your tribe or your home that gives you strength, vitality and purpose. Work with the earthmagic in your life and see how powerful you really are.