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Cosmic Tribe Tarot


Body Musician

Beyond the fetish of the brain lies the bodily instrument with all of its mysterious capabilities. The Prince of Disks is learning to play this instrument that the Earth Mother has so generously given him. He finds the appropriate place and loosens himself through movement. When his body is completely in tune, the Earth's messages slip into him like lovers and realign his consciousness with her purpose. He remembers that our consciousness is not separate from our bodies and our bodies are not separate from the planet. And he reminds us that we are the soil where we are placed. While we live, we hold the Earth within us, and when we die, we return our energy to her cauldron.

In the card the Prince of Disks has painted his body with colors and patterns in a ritual of initiation calling the worldsoul to him. He forms himself into an antenna and torques his body to worship the tree spirit behind him whose branching antlers masterfully interpret the Earth's signal. The Prince contorts and twists, using pleasure and pain as his guides. He then listens intently and soon can hear only the song passing through his heart. Now he begins his skeletal dance, trying to keep the music channeling through him. When he connects, joy radiates through his body, out of his hands, and back to the Earth from where it comes, making a perfect circuit.

He stands on the enlightened third eye of the Earth Mother whose face hides beneath the snake; human consciousness is a form of planetary enlightenment. Cousin snake spirals beneath the Prince and imparts the wisdom it has earned by crawling fleshpressed to the subtle textures of the ground for millions of years. Snake knows instinctively what path it must travel by listening to the Earth as she sings her soily song. Grounded and unafraid, the Prince learns from the snake how to let the Earth support him and teach him.

Divinatory Meaning

Should you receive the Prince of Disks in a reading, thank the universe for the beauty of movement. Your body is an antenna receiving and expressing the Earth's messages. Feel your body: how does it want to move? Gently discover new ways to expand your body's ability to express itself. Are you afraid of people laughing at you? Watch how your actions ripple out, creating new paths to liberation for yourself and others. Feel the Earth create you from dust and then hold you up all the years of your life. What are you doing with the precious space you occupy? Where are you doing what you are doing? Be aware of how you fit into your geography. Use movement to help you find your place. Dance. Stretch. Feel your muscles, feel your bones. Let pleasure and pain and earth magic guide you back to the promised land of your body.