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Cosmic Tribe Tarot


The Body

Beyond the North where the Titans live, a planetary gem, polished to perfection, is launched like a great ship into the universe. The shamans gathered in a spacecraft nearby know their call has been answered. They have traveled in time to the moment of their collective birth; to the place where their spirits chose to manifest. They celebrate their own birth by touching and praising their physical forms. One by one they dig their hands into a musical sphere and pull forth emeralds and seeds and snakes and all manner of life's magnificence, which they offer to the virgin globe in tribute to her beauty.

In the card a globe is gently released into a supportive atmosphere. It represents the miracle of birth and the incorporation of spirit. From a universal perspective, the globe represents our home planet, our Mother Earth. From a narrower perspective, the globe is each of us as we are born into the world. The cosmic eye seeing through the globe is both the eye of the universe watching our progress and our own eye peering back into space.

Each physical form is a manifestation of the universal gift. The pair of hands represents the forces that created our planet and, by extension, created us. The hands emerge like stamens from a flower center of stars, which, in turn, is the center of another reality outside of standard time and space. The blossom has eyes on its petals to remind us that we are special flowers in the cosmic garden. The blossom of our world is tethered to nurturing soil in the other unworldly realm. We have no reason to fear the extraterrestrial source of our existence. And we are just beginning to decode its mysteries.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Ace of Disks appear in your reading; celebrate the wealth of your body and thank Mother Earth for creating you. What's keeping you from praising your body? What's keeping you from your immense wealth? Whatever it is, the Ace of Disks just buried your fear under life-sustaining soil. Now there's no excuse. Create the garden, sow the seeds. When you have done the work, watch them sprout, flower, fruit and then produce more seeds. Soon they too will litter the ground where you dance with the mother's blessing and to her greater glory.