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Cosmic Tribe Tarot



Pleasure is our birthright. It is what balances pain. Feeling pleasure deeply helps us heal ourselves from the bruises accumulated by the experience of living. Pleasure begins in our bodies and we feel it most intensely when we share it with others. When we eat, when we bathe, when we make love, when we feel good, we feel physical pleasure. As the physical sensations vibrate our cores, we begin to feel good psychologically too. The waters of our emotional realm rise and cleanse our souls, refreshing and healing us inside and out. True pleasure feels good. It is a miracle. Return the favor by experiencing it fully.

In the card a pair of hands opens in praise of pleasure. They are ready to give and by giving receive. From this beaming openness a mandala of golden cups appears. The cups brim with emotional fulfillment, and golden hands in mudra arise from them, offering lotus blossom gifts of sensual pleasure. Where there was one gift of pleasure, there are now six, and from each of those come six more, as pleasure multiplies in the universe. Our bodies and psyches are bathed in ecstasy. And as we receive, so shall we give pleasure to the world until the giving and receiving merge into a continually sensuous loop. Fishes swirl ecstatically around the mandala as the core of pleasure intoxicates the world around it. The cosmic eyes in the golden hands witness and absorb this expansion of delight.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Six of Cups massage your reading, sink into the feelings of pleasure you so deeply deserve. How do you feel pleasure? Take a bath or a nap and find out. How do you share pleasure with friends and lovers? Share a fine meal, good wine, good herb, or a loving exchange and find out. Thank them for making you feel so good. Thank them for giving you the opportunity to make them feel so good. If you have trouble opening up to pleasure, just spend a little more time relaxing and pampering yourself: Expressing pleasure is the best way to show your appreciation to the universe that made you possible.