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Cosmic Tribe Tarot


Great equalizing force of the universe, see how we struggle to maintain our balance on the tip of the sword. When we tune into the cosmic frequency we feel connected and see clearly the way of the universe. But we waver and lose the signal. Teach us to keep the signal clear and bring to earth the song of peace that underlies all experience.

A figure representing Balance projects a sense of authority to remind us that something bigger than our daily drama is going on. Possessing both feminine and masculine qualities, she balances he-ness and he balances she-ness. Aligned with her power, she levitates two very delicate crystal bubbles. One contains a feather and the other a stone. The feather is a symbol of the Egyptian god Maat, who uses it to weigh the worthiness of souls. Only those souls lighter than the feather pass into heaven. The stone; on the other hand, represents the dense weight of the body that the soul must travel in. Balance is achieved between the other world of the soul and the tangible world of the body, teaching us that they are forever bound together.

Below the bubbles a swirl of clouds surrounds a vortex created by the alignment that has been achieved. Out of this vortex a mighty sword appears. It is the same one that appears in the Ace of Swords and represents clarity of thought. Its tip draws the spiritually charged energy of the card down to our earth-based practical lives so we can use the wisdom we have acquired. This is also reflected in the gradation between the cosmic pattern and the morning sky in the background. The purpose of Balance is to give us a center so we can align our bodies with our spirits.

The figure commands from the sky, giving her a wider perspective. We are not only individual scales in need of balance; our decisions also affect the equilibrium of the entire universe of which we are a part. The interplay between inner and outer is represented by the ring around her head that subtly gathers the pattern of expanded consciousness and draws it into our physical dimension. The yin-yang symbol at her crown is an ancient symbol for the balanced and awakened mind. In Balance the consciousness of the greater universe breaks through the barrier of ego and clears the mind; allowing ideas and creative energy to flow through. If Balance is upset, the delicate crystal bubbles burst and the connection to expanded consciousness is lost.

Divinatory Meaning

Should Balance be present in your reading; weigh your options carefully. When you have a wider perspective, you can be more objective. See the merits and liabilities to both sides of the issue; weigh them against the stone of your material world and the feather of your spiritual world. Which parts of your life do you want to keep and which do you need to sever? Are you holding back on a decision you need to make? What helps you find your balance so you can make the right decision? What do you need to give up in order to get what you want? Perhaps you need to loosen work goals in order to spend more time in nature or with your loved ones. Or perhaps you need to develop your spiritual life to balance your material world. Stand above your daily dramas and see how they play a part in a broader universal equilibrium. Play with the drama but don't forget that it is just your ego. Balance is required if the infinity of ideas streaming through the universe is to be realized through you.