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Cosmic Tribe Tarot


High Priestess, Mighty Isis, and Sophia we honor the mysterious fountain of wisdom hidden deep within your body. Mysteriously you transform the pure spirit of the cosmos into messages, memories and imagination. You are gnosis: knowledge of the universe revealed by inspiration and insight. Psychically you guide us to inner healing and strength and bless us with the powers born of intuition.

For the Priestess, wisdom flows from an intuition found within the body as well as the mind. She is the understanding behind all thought. She is the dream behind all form. In the card the primal light of the universe veils the Priestess. She rises proudly from the mother on a crescent moon born skyward by a whirl of clouds. She completely trusts her intuitive abilities and stands confidently on her dreams, reflections, and cycles. Anchored in this way. she reaches up to the great spirit and pulls down a beam of pure creative imagination into the grounded center of her body. These energies prepare the soil for the celebration of the union of spirit and matter that will take place in the Empress. The motion of her arms draws a lotus mandala of light rays and fallopian spirals. Potential uncoils from her and loops around its own path; eventually returning to the center. The spiral is the shape of wisdom. It expresses unity through duality by being a line in three dimensions. It is the ever-outward that is ever-inward. Meanwhile, flowers from other dimensions snow gently down, and in their openness reflect the receptivity of the Priestess to the wisdom of the pure spirit. This inner harmony of spirit and matter is the basis for her intuitive knowledge. Behind her, yet also her creative vision for the future, a meadow bursts into a perfectly intricate self regulating and organic wholeness that science can only hope to reproduce.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Priestess summon you in a reading, check on your psychic confidence level. The Priestess teaches us that power and independence come from our ability to trust our intuitive natures. Are you listening to your inner wisdom? What are your dreams saying about your inner reality? Are you hiding something from yourself and others? Intuition is often down-played in our highly analytical culture, but we ignore Priestess wisdom at the expense of a wider understanding of the world. In order to attain her powerful psychic abilities, mix patience with silence and memory. Tune in to the synchronicities bombarding your present reality. Follow her example by finding your center of power and pulling the universe into it. When you trust your instincts. you trust yourself.