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Cosmic Tribe Tarot


Appear, disappear, reappear, the improbable, the unreal explodes before your eyes in puffs of smoke. Now you see it, now you don’t. Still struggling to explain it, are you?
Suspend your disbelief! l pierce your flimsy veil of appearances and reveal to you the many realities lying just beyond you. Don't fret.
You’ll make it back to Kansas, but you’ll never look at it the same way again.

The Magician creates the conduit between the cosmic mind and earthly reality. The glowing golden wand at the center represents this conduit. With sleight of hand, the Magician conjures the elements with his wand: air butterfly, water fish, earth flower and fire-spirit mushroom suddenly appear in the circle of his moving hands. They each have eyes to remind us that all is not as it appears to be. We can be tricked into thinking that the wand creates the elements out of the cosmic ether. But it could just as easily be that the energies behind the elements create the wand. Is it this or that? Neither or both? Perhaps he is signaling some force in another of those realms beyond our common understanding. The Magician awes us with the mysteries of an omnipotent universe.

His winged feet and the intertwined wakes around them remind us of his connection to Mercury, the Roman messenger god, intermediary between heaven and earth. The Magician could be the energy enabling us to communicate with the great spirit in all that surrounds us. Indeed the Magician conjures consciousness out of the unconscious cosmic seas in order for us to see who we really are. Like the Fool, the Magician relies on trickster energy. Whereas the Fool is eternally playful and undirected, careening from experience to experience, the Magician is playful and directed. If we let him, his magic will initiate us into the mysteries of self- realization. He forces us to go deeper; to ask why, to wonder. The self-consuming double snakes around his ankles form an infinity sign that seems to trap the Magician in some formless reality where he remains detached from his body. But the wily shapeshifter only appears to be chained by formless infinity. Like Houdini, he slips away and reappears in his body, to the relief of the audience. His secret could be that he is not bound by time yet plays in it. The Magician is a seasoned transdimensional traveler who can simultaneously be here now and bear witness to the birth of the cosmos. He clips his toe in the pool of time and ripples the dawn that illuminates our path.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Magician appear in your reading. Be aware of the multiple realities existing simultaneously in your time-limited world. Do you see how the Magician's ability to combine intense focus with playfulness is his essential ingredient for success? As he symbolizes communication, focus your interactions with the world around you. Do you listen to other people, to birds, to the wind as carefully as you could? Is there something you need to tell someone but you are not sure how? Use magic to help you communicate that which resists being captured by words. If faced with a difficult choice; see how the Magician flows, between the hardened options of this or that and offers you previously unknown possibilities. The Magician transmits back and forth between the physical plane and the cosmic mind. His message is the ultimate unity of all things. Know that as a part of this unity you can conjure the energies swirling around you to dazzle your audience.