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Bohemian Gothic Tarot


Lighter or more conventional meanings

Duty and responsibility * Keeping on going, though you're tired * Feeling hurt but still ready for the struggle * Keeping up your courage, though it is costing you dear * Refusing to abandon a commitment.

Darker, shadow or more hidden meanings

A manic determination to keep on with an old struggle * Exhaustion and depression from a fight that's gone on too long * Betrayal, being used by someone else to fight their battles * Bravely doing your duty - without realising you might be on the wrong side * Pretending to be obedient and dutiful, but there is a hidden agenda.

The Nine of Wands is a card about bravery and duty, even when these admirable qualities things may be mis-applied. The figure on this card stands at attention, silhouetted against the sunset. He ought to command our respect, but there is something troublesome in his expression and stance.

The image on this card is irresistibly reminiscent of old silent horror movies. The whole scene is stylised and looks staged, rather than real. So is he a brave warrior, or is he role-playing? He looks a little crazed. We have to wonder if he is truly required at his post or if this is just something he's convinced himself is necessary, perhaps because he loves the drama of feeling so important.

When we interpret this card the basic question to ask is if it stands for someone strong, enduring and faithful; willing to stick by his duty no matter what, or if it indicates a person who has become obsessed with their own, delusional, importance. It could well show the dogged friend who continues to stand by their comrades through thick and thin. But it can equally be the irritating person who is convinced that the committee or organisation that they are part of would fall to pieces without them; someone who can neither trust the competence of others or delegate to them. The cards that fall around it can help to clarify this, as can talking to the querent about what they see in this image. Remember, as you decide on the interpretation, it may not simply be a matter of one or the other. Sometimes someone is genuinely needed at the beginning of an organisation or event and they act courageously to support the cause even in a difficult situation. But later, they continue "at their post" more as a matter of habit than because they are doing anything that's really vital. They might even become more of a hindrance than a help. As ever in tarot, take the context into account and read this card with care.

Some further ways to consider this card

The guard is outside a huge walled castle or fortress. What do you think the situation is? Is the castle about to be attacked, or has it, indeed, just fended off some danger? Who told the soldier to stand guard? What's going on right now inside those walls?