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Bohemian Gothic Tarot


Lighter or more conventional meanings

Charity * Helping someone in need in a practical way * Charities and caring organisations * "It's better to give than to receive" * Generosity, giving a helping hand.

Darker, shadow or more hidden meanings

"Charity" with strings attached * Getting control over someone with your financial "support" * A caring act that is in fact hypocritical and self-serving * Trying to justify an immoral deal by saying that you had no choice.

A cloaked demon gazes down at a woman and her baby. In his hand he holds a large gold coin that he may be about to give her. His expression is kindly, but the woman glares at him suspiciously. What strings are attached to this gift? If it's not a gift but a transaction, then we wonder if he is trying to buy her child or if he is, perhaps, after the mother's own soul.

The Five and Six of Pentacles form a closely-related pair; they both deal with financial and practical needs but while in the Five we see suffering, in the Six there is help from charity-perhaps.

In our pictures, it's the much less spectacular peasant woman in the Six, rather than the proud beauty of the Five who seems the more protective of her child. Seemingly unimpressed and unintimidated by her supposed benefactor, she has the good sense to look at his horns rather than the money he offers. She's obviously poor, but it does not look as if she's about to make a deal that could involve Mephistopheles gaining control over her or her child. It's a wise person who understands that some things are worth much more than money.

When you're interpreting this card in a reading, consider charity in all its many aspects. Sometimes it's simply an altruistic act and an entirely good thing. But at other times, it might in fact not be so innocent, and what can appear to be charitable can in fact be self-serving. In some circumstances, someone may make a donation or give someone needy a gift merely for their own aggrandisement instead of from a genuine desire to help. Charity is a wonderful act, and shows humanity at its best. But as this card indicates, at other times a kindly face disguises a much nastier intent. Be a little careful when you're offered something for nothing and don't be afraid to question what's really going on.

Some further ways to consider this card

There is a flock of crows in both these cards. What do you think they represent? What do you think happens next? Does this woman hand over her baby?