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Mary-El Tarot


kaartnaam: z5-1 ext_plaatje: .jpg

kaartnaam: z5-2 ext_plaatje: .jpgI am almost without a doubt going to repaint the 5 of Swords; it annoys me just to look at it. Completely unoriginal and it totally missed the mark in what I wanted to say. De Mary-El tarot roept zoveel vragen bij me op! Waarom 5 witte uilen? Rachel Pollack noemt in haar deck Shining Tribe Tarot Zwaarden Birds. Doet Mary-El dat ook? Niet altijd, maar Zwaarden 2 is bijvoorbeeld ook een gevleugelde. Een insect, gemaakt van twee zwaarden, lijkt het.

En in Zwaarden 4 zie ik zelf geen vogels, maar zo'n wolkenlucht is natuurlijk wel het element waar gevleugelden thuishoren. De essentie van een kleur zie je bij de Azen. Zwaarden Aas is een grote adelaar of een andere roofvogel.

Waarom heeft deze vrouw een baby in haar armen? En wat heeft ze voor teken op haar borst? Ik geloof dat het een Hebreeuws karakter is, maar ik weet niet welk.

The main premise I had for the 5s was for them to be the temple of the element. The 4s established a body and physical limitations ( The Emperor) and the 5s are to fill that body with a soul and to mediate between body and soul ( Hierophant)

I also wanted them to be the quintessence of the element. I first thought I would like to do the 4 cherubim, the animals you usually see in the 4 corners of XXI The World, for example, but because of a series of dreams and other inspirations I decided to make them representations of the Tetragrammaton which is the Hebrew 4 letter name of God. If you aren’t familiar with it, it is very similar to the 4 elements, it represents the kabbalistic 4 worlds and describes how god ‘spoke’ the universe into being. So the series of 5s is an act of creation beginning with the Lion that is the wild spark of life , going into the deep well and void of the 4 of Cups then into the 5 of Swords which is the Soul (note the Vau on her chest) and into the 5 of Disks which is the living, earthly Human. The 5 of Disks is Adam and the 5 of Swords is Eve his mate.

I drew inspiration from several goddesses / mythical women for this card. There is Athena who was a big influence. Her winged helmet has been transformed into the owls, which was always considered her companion, or even her. The wings that come down over her chest are her Aegis, it was a skin or shield type thing that granted the person she gave it to her protection, so it symbolizes the protection of the Gods, like an umbrella.

Lilith was also associated with Owls as far back as ancient Mesopotamia. Lilith is the counterpart of Eve and this is why she really interested me, because this card is the quintessence of Swords and Air it is subject to being very polarized between dark and light, like the two columns in the High Priestess. As I worked on this card I found it to be extremely noble and full of high ideals and incredible power, but it is also subject to extreme lows, dissapointments, hardships, etc.

The owl itself is a night creature. We often think of it as being very spiritual, knowing, wise, all seeing but it also has a long history of an ill omen as well. I thought the snowy owl suited Air and Swords because of its stark black and white coloring and also because it was in high contrast to the dark serpents of the 5 of Disks in color, texture, etc. I am glad some of you noticed the polarity in textures!!!

The owls are like spiritual protection, ancestors, spirits and coupled with the Aegis the protection of the Gods even when things are going really bad, which they might be in this card.

The baby is obviously the child of the 5 of Swords and the 5 of Disks and I clothed her in an earthly green to match the fig leaf from the 5 of Disks and to symbolize that it is an earthly living thing, something good that comes of whatever situation is difficult in the 5 of Swords.

Originally Posted by Strange2 On the 5 of Swords, I noticed with interest the other hand that she is grasping. Is this the hand of the father of the child (Adam, the 5 of Disks)?

Yes! I really wanted it linked to the 5 of Disks. It's funny because I didn't notice or remember until way later that in the 6 of Swords the children are holding hands in the same way. I think it is cool because I feel like the 6s are archetypal for what happens in the 5s as if they are out of time, something that happens on a spiritual plane before it is created on the physical plane. This would be true if you compare them to the Kabbalistic tree of life where 6 is central to everything.

I also thought all of the life in that card, the owls, the baby and the link to the 5 of Disks showed a quiet but strong support system even when you might feel alone. Support from your family even if they don't appear there and spiritual maybe ancestral support.