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Mary-El Tarot


kaartnaam: p5-2 ext_plaatje: .jpgkaartnaam: p5-3 ext_plaatje: .jpgI didn't realize the full irony of getting shigles until this morning as I was finishing up the 5d final sketch (well almost, I am about 15 minutes away from completion). The scientific name for shingles is herpes zoster. Herpes is Greek for snake and Zoster is belt. ***OH LOL I just 'got my dream from last night! Will et back to that later!*** For the last few months I've been getting one cold sore after another and I haven't been able to figure out why. I guess I wasn't catching the clue and so it needed to go up a notch. Ok Universe, did you really need to go there?

And its on my lower back lest I forget that it's my base, foundation, home of my kundalini.

Another disease I can think of that contains the word herpes is Dermatitis Herpetiform. What causes this rash? Gluten intolerance. I don't get that rash but yes I have been delving into gluten intolerance. And it is hereditary (something I would ascribe to the 5s definitely!!)

So I did not sleep much last night, I was just in pain. Then Freya woke up with a fever and joined the latest round of sick kids. Geez, I think this has been the worst flu/cold season I can ever remember.

In my stolen moments of sleep I had a dream though. I was making my tarot deck and I had a friend who journeyed from ver far away to join me and make a deck too. A name popped in my head as I typed this though her name was never mentioned in the dream, Suzanne. I had a childhood freind named Suzanne, not my only by a long shot, we moved so much I had many best friends, but she was probably my longest.

So she arrived and we worked on our tarots. At some point the King of the Realm said she couldn't stay. In fact she ouldn't work on her tarot either. I had her half done tarot and I could see her through the window out in the cold inhe wilds of the earth, alone and tarot-less. What a mean king he was! He was the Duck King ROFL!! I was so mad at him I sat down and drew a picture of him, hee hee hee. I think this is the only dream I hae ever drawn aything in! I can still picture it perfectly, his ducky face, his hand on the throne and on his sceptor. His Duck King crown and most of all his over-proud feathered chest. I realized just a moment ago that duck must be a sidestep of chicken, and shingles is the second coming of the chicken pox virus which has laid dormant in your nerves. So shingles is stopping me from seeing my friend? I wonder if I had a situation ike that when I was little and maybe kept home with chicken pox? I was so young I don't remember much. Duck King lol. I love dreams!

It also wondered this morning if the part of Europe I saw in the torso and loins of the snake-man would match up with the geologic prevalence of Celiac Disease and other autoimmune diseases like MS?

I also wonder if other disk cards might indicate a physical weakness those born in that number might have? For example those born in April or on the 4th would have something to do with the 4 of Disks. What is there? A lot of earth, maybe sclerosis type stuff? Hardenings? January people, neck problems? Fertility problems? February, eye problems? March, family problems? I don't know, it would have to be thoughtfully explored not just with my deck but many. Of course the 5 being my number I might have a better track on it than the other cards, but it is something interesting to think about.

Another thing I was thinking about in the wee hours of the night last night was that I sometimes think that innocense is an ideal state but really all of those scales of protection we learn and place upon ourselves are necessary and beautiful even, perfect. 2 sides of a coin, both good, like the Fool and the Universe.

I was also thinking about how goups will over time work out huge solid expanses of knowledge. Take a University or to be more topical, occult theory. It iis clear and defined and any new person is trained up and then is party to it and might add to it or adjust. BUT more than one perspective can be right but new perspectives almost hae to ome from outside so they aren't tainted by the juggernaut of the accepted standard. Just a thought.

Regarding good and evil, I was thinking about all these colds and flus we are getting and how they are not good or evil even if they kill someone, they are just a natural part, even an evolutionay part of being human. I'm sure I've had that realization before but I always get overwhelmed with the suffering in the world and seek to explain it. No point though.

I thnk I have totally become a magically thinking atheist! A progressive metaphysicist! My god is word and semantics. Semantacist.

Ok Freya is asleep so I am going to go attempt to finish off the 5 of Disks!

That would make a nice looking borderless card wouldn't it? I guess they all would if the inherant problems could be solved. 1. Where and how to put the titles. 2. Would the edges wear to white and look bad? (same problem with black borders) 3. Would a printer be able to get a perfect cut where you wouldn't see slivers of other cards on the edges?

I might refine the snakes some morbut this is pretty much it for now. And now I will put it aside and work on the 5 of Wands.