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Mary-El Tarot


Love conquers all.

The Guarded Heart.

In the center is a garden of paradise. It has two trees with ripe fruit; figs and pears that clothe and feed man and woman, a forever-green fragrant lawn, a waterfall, and in the heart of it a well that leads to another world. This small well is the mother of three great rivers that etch the landscape into deep canyons, gorges, and ravines before rejoinining the ocean thousands of miles away.

Guardian of the well is a pure white unicorn with the eight legs of Sleipnir, and Chiron's key over his heart, over the mouth of the well.

Tiefe Brunnen muss man graben
wenn man klares Wasser will.
(Deep wells must be dug
If you want clear water.)
- Rammstein - Rosenrot

This pure white horse is the opposite of the Lion in the 5 of Wands who guards the (phallic) forest, he is the symbol of compassion, purity, and self sacrifice. This is the counterpart to the fiery lion.

Originally Posted by Bat Chicken OMG - Marie!! It is stunning....! I am trying to figure out the legs....

Thanks! LOL on the legs, I knew that would be confusing. When I was working on this it became clear it represented a lot of mythological creatures, one being Sleipnir the horse Odin rides on who has 8 legs. There was also Chiron the centaur wounded healer, that is his symbol over the heart. I think this has a big part in the meaning of this card. The mythological unicorn which was a symbol of passive strength (as opposed to what the Fiery Lion would be). Pegasus who's name means literally spring or well.