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Mary-El Tarot


kaartnaam: 7-1 ext_plaatje: .jpg If I were to reduce this card into the most simple of images I would make it 2 wheels. I would call these wheels Heaven (the number of spirit, 3) and Earth (the number of earth, 4). They are the manifest, physical world we live in as individuals and the unmanifest world of the spirit, each circling and creating one another for eternity. (Think of the Taoist yin/yang symbol). Some emphasize the physical world as one of illusion and not as important as the world of spirit and vice versa. I happen to think they are equally important and are made of the same thing, just in different form. Maybe you have heard the phrase as above, so below. This means to me that what is on the earth also exists in the spirit and what is in the spirit is also in the earth. There can be nothing that is in one place and not in the other. To change something in one realm will affect the other. If we have a healthy body we will have a healthy spirit and a healthy spirit manifests a healthy body. You could call the soul, spirit, angels, even Gods and the cosmic egg as degrees between the extremes between these two wheels. We, in some form, exist there from one extreme to the other. Yes, this does mean that I think every single rock, tree, speck of dust, sidewalk, animal or anything that exists also exists in the world of spirit, and by my definition has a soul, and at some point shares my soul. To know this and to find balance between body and spirit is to sit in the throne of the Chariot and I think it gives one great ability to move about anyplace on either wheel. I have used images of wolves here as guides in these travels of awareness. I have seen them many times in visions and dreams where they take me, and sometimes I even become them, running through the deep forest (a metaphor for the unknown, subconscious, collective, whatever…) to a different place in the spectrum of my being.