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Mary-El Tarot


kaartnaam: 18-1 ext_plaatje: .jpgXVIII The Moon and XIX The Sun

When I was pregnant with my first child I lived in Tucson Arizona. There was something about the desert there that felt so magical to me and I have never felt so at home in a place, especially when the hot winds were blowing, they seemed to be completely alive.

One day I found myself in communication with an entity who said he was traveling through the area and identified himself as Coetzl. We discussed many things and I learned a lot that afternoon from him. The statement he made that had the most impact on me was that the Sun was God’s metaphor for himself. The words of Coetzl were on my mind when I painted the Sun and Moon cards, together, so they would complement each other. The Sun and the Moon were one layer of manifested symbols that describes the universe we live in and are made out of. One layer of ‘as above, so below’. The Great Mother and Father, the hidden and the illuminated, light and dark. The Prime duality. Together they make a whole.

I often think about how lucky we are to live on a planet that has such an incredible relationship with the Moon and the Sun, some of the coincidences are just amazing, such as the distance of the moon being so perfect as to enable it to cover the suns disk in an eclipse. And even more perfect that occasionally, when the sunspot cycle is low, the corona and streamers of an aligned sun and moon give birth to a great phoenix in the sky, a red corona with plumage shaped equatorial rays of light like wings, and polar rays like a great spread out tail. The symbol of the winged disk can be found in art and iconography all over the ancient world as a symbol of God, the Sun God, and/or a symbol of rebirth.