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Mary-El Tarot


In a system based on 10 the only original numbers are 0 through 9. 0 meaning nothing or -1 (can we discuss the mystical meanings of zero forever?) and 9 meaning everything, all possibility. 10, containing a 1 and a 0, is the first step out of the archetypes and on to an inifinity of repeating numbers. On the Kabbalistic Tree of Life the number 10 is for the sephiroth of Malkuth, the physically manifest universe, which itself is illustrated as a circle divided into 4 sections representing Air, Fire, Water, and again, Earth. Asking the difference between 1 and 10 is like asking the difference between Malkuth and Kether (as above, so below), an individual and God, or Free Will and Fate. Kether, number 1 on the Tree of Life, is an undefined singularity. Malkuth is Kether now defined, catalogued, described and experienced from the multifaceted point of view of an infinite number of individuals in an infinite number of experiences. To summarize; they are the same except 1 is One and 10 is Many. It is simple fractions.