Faeries Oracle
Card 9 - The Singer of Initiation
Passage through trial. Triumph. New level.
The Singer of Initiation brings a major transition between old and new. As we prepare to pass through any gate we are greeted by this Singer, who tests us to see if we are ready to enter into the new realm - or whether, for our own safety and well-being, we must stay where we are.
There is no initiation without testing, and this testing must take us to our limits in order to be valid. Initiation is not just a charming ritual with candles and incense and other occult paraphernalia. True initiation is grounded in material reality and it extends through body, mind, and emotions. The testing occurs on all levels of our being. The more profound the change being processed, the more rigorous the test. However, these initiations are only given when the Singer knows we have the potential, the ability, and the opportunity to pass them.
If we pass the initiation this Singer offers, we are strengthened by the process itself. In working through it, we learn something about ourselves, and we move finally and irrevocably from one way of being to another.
Starter Reading
Breakthrough. Drawing this card notifies us that significant change and challenge are both occurring in our lives, with the potential for moving into a new realm, which involves a new way of being. This major change has been building for a long time, and the moment is now here to meet this challenge. We may already be aware of the initiation process but perhaps have only seen it as bad luck or fate. It is neither. It is an opportunity to see if we have, deep down, truly learned the lessons we have been working on and are willing to apply them in our lives. Often, knowing just what the initiation is about can seem one of the most difficult aspects of the process. However, once passed, it eventually will all become clear in hindsight. For now we only need to know, as this Singer said to one Oracle group member, "It can be done - look with your heart."The presence of the Singer of Initiation in a reading often presages a period of success, of seeing, accepting, and using our own powers at a higher and more ethical level: We move into greater fulfillment of our potentials. It also means taking on a new level of responsibility for ourselves and in the world. The gate is open to us, but we must take the action of stepping through it.
When we stand in the gateway of an initiation, it is often difficult to tell where we are going, and the process may feel more like loss than like a movement into a new level of being. Prayer for insight helps, but a great deal of the process is about discovering and showing what we can do. This is a test, one requiring much if not all of our inner resources and wisdom. It demands that we go beyond what we have achieved before. Instead of asking things like "Why me?" or "When is this going to end?" try asking, "How can I do this better? How can I handle this more wisely than I ever have before?" Pat's experience with this Singer suggests to her the following questions: "How can I handle this differently, more creatively? Is there another point of view that I have never looked at? What golden door is being offered to me to explore with this apparent problem?"maaktarotlink('singers'); ?>The Singers of the Realms