Faeries Oracle
Card 6 - The Singer of Connection
Spiritual connection. Karma. Balance. Empathy.
This Singer supports all connections, the web of light between all beings, all particles, and between past, present, and future. It brings wholeness to apparent duality and combines all energies, uniting all that was, is, or could be. When we lose awareness of this connection in our lives, we feel isolated, lonely, bereft. Yet the energy is there. We only need to be open to it.
There are emotions that help us open tip-love, compassion, trust, and so on. There are other emotions that we tend to close down around unless we make a special effort to keep our hearts open. As you can probably guess, these emotions are feelings such as jealousy, anger, fear, grief, and others of a similarly painful nature. Yet, sometimes, these very emotions, when carried to an extreme, cause us to break down and then break through to the song of Ekstasis. This is a risky way to go as well as an extremely difficult one, because more often the breakdown just stays broken for a long time and then we retreat back to a more crippled version of our original selves.
A far better way to become ever more aware of our essentially holistic nature is to work at keeping our hearts open, seeing relationships, being earthed and centered and connected. In a meditation, someone and I suspect it was this Singer, asked me to let go of all of my defenses. I argued that surely we needed defenses in this world in order to survive. I was firmly but lovingly told, "It is only by letting go of all your defenses that you become invulnerable."
That gave me such a strong shock of recognizing the rightness of it that I couldn't even breathe for a moment. But then, still reluctant (because it sounded like a big job), I muttered that I didn't think I knew how to do that or even what all my defenses were. I was assured kindly that I Would receive help if I asked for it. And I know that you will be given the same aid, too.
Starter Reading
Through the power of this Singer, all connections are made, held, and released, as appropriate. In a reading, this Singer indicates the connection of things, especially reconnecting those that have been sundered. It is unifying and reunifying. It tells us that we need to be aware of the connections between different aspects of the issue under discussion, as well as the connections between the people linked by it. We also may need to build more connections, a network of mutual support.The presence of the Singer of Connection in a reading indicates support and strength flowing through the connections between those involved.
When the Song of the Singer of Connection is dimmed, indicated by reversal, we need to ask ourselves, "Am I earthed? Am I centered? Am I connected with the source? What do I need to do to be more aware of and enhance my connection in body, mind, and spirit to the universe around me?" There are some suggestions to start with starting on page 181 if you need them.maaktarotlink('singers'); ?>The Singers of the Realms